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Monday, October 29, 2012

Easy Breezy, Lemon...I'm a Little Queasy??

Well.. I've been slacking on my blogging lately..I must apologize! Between the million referrals for Kindergarteners and some exciting news in our family, my brain has been in a million places!

So.. what's the big news?! Well.. our 8 month old keeps us hopping! But obviously not enough... we have another little bundle of joy on the way! We are so excited! However, this means than I now have pregnancy brain AND baby brain! Hence... the absence of enough collected thoughts to blog lately!

Bear with me for the next several months, and hopefully I won't skip out too terribly much!

Also.. any and all prayers appreciated as we grow from learning to be a family of 3 to a soon to be family of 4!


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