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Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Adventures of Mr. MIGHTY MOUTH!

I found an old mouth in the closet at the county office before school started. No one claimed it.. so I picked it up and brought it to my classroom. I had a specific child in mind. I try to use multiple types of cues with him so I thought I would let him show me where Mr. Mighty Mouth's tongue would go to make certain sounds. Turns out... most every child on my caseload has fallen in LOVE with Mr. Mighty Mouth! It is specifically helpful with children who use a retroflex r.

The funniest thing is the hard work the children have put in... thanks to Mr. Mighty Mouth! I don't know if you can see in the picture, but Mr. Mighty Mouth comes with a toothbrush (which I thought nothing about). A lot of my kids have begged to brush his teeth. Please please please please! So.. I have figured out that stickers or trips to the treasure chest are not the best reinforcement for a lot of my children. What is? A good brushing for Mr. Mighty Mouth so he can "freshen up" the next time he comes to visit!

**One child even asked if Mr. Mighty Mouth could take a turn in the activity we were doing that day. My reply? Sure- if you say his sounds for him! He was so excited about saying Mr. Mighty Mouth's targets! (Mr. Mighty Mouth just happened to have the same goals as that student! ;) )


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