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Monday, August 20, 2012

Post-It Party!

So I bet you're wondering... what's the worst part of being a school-based SLP??

So I'll just be honest... SCHEDULING! Hands down. Terrible.

I knew there HAD to be someone out there smarter than me! There had to be a better method! And thanks to my Pinterest and blog addiction since becoming a school based SLP... THERE WAS!!

(Huge thank you to for making my life much less stressful!)

So what's a Post-It party you ask? Well, I put all of my "groups" and all of my "individuals" on Post-it notes. So...If the group was seen 2x/week, they had two Post-its. If an individual was seen 4x/week, he/she had four Post-its.

I put envelopes in all the teachers boxes full of Post-its with their kids' names on them. (If a group had kids from different classes, I gave one teacher the Post-it and wrote on the note telling them which teacher to collaborate with.)

I then sent out the e-mail invite for the next Monday at 2:30 (gave them plenty of time to get rid of their kiddos and regroup!) The buzzing in the halls began....

I fixed a blank poster board up for my schedule. The TEACHERS were going to make my schedule for me! WHEW! The worst part of my job wasn't even my job any more!

The word in the hall was that certain teachers were coming early. So, I sent out an e-mail on that Monday and told them that I would let them come in at 2:20, but not a minute before. At 2:05, I had 10 teachers begging to come in! (Not sure if they REALLY wanted their time slots or if they homemade pound cake and cookies I brought for the Post-It party were that enticing!)

I stuck to my guns, and at 2:20- they burst through the door! The product...

My schedule was COMPLETE!  Since I am serving the kindergarten and 1st grade, I already have a whole list of initial assessments in the works, so I made room for the kids will be getting services starting in the next week or so! Ahhhhh.... time to work on more fun activities for therapy!


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