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Thursday, August 30, 2012

MaGic BeaNs MaDneSS

At the beginning of the year, my number of targets were relatively low. I wasn't sure if my activities weren't producing enough responses or I was letting the kids distract me too much. Either way, I knew I needed to reassess some things. Back to ol' trusty Pinterest for some awesome ideas! I discovered an incredibly SIMPLE.. seriously--It's so simple that I wasn't sure how it would go over--game! The name is "Magic Beans" (aka Pinto beans in a Dixie cup). Have I mentioned that I just LOVE Heard in Speech's blog?? Here is where I got the idea...

Basically, the jest of the game is this: I pick up a handful of beans. If you get a target correct, a "magic bean" goes in the "Great" cup. If a target still needs some work, a "magic bean" goes in the "Needs Work" cup. At the end of the session, every 10 beans in the "Great" cup is worth 1 sticker. The "Needs Work" cup is just a reminder. If they self correct after I put a bean in the "Needs Work" cup, I give them a bean in the "Great" cup. Making this a competition always provides a little extra incentive! This will go on for the next 2 weeks. (I may need to reorganize their stickers! But for now, they were just so excited to decorate their side, I couldn't tell them to put them in a straight line!)

After DAY 1.....

510 CORRECT TARGETS!!!!! I was able to elicit well over 100 targets/session.. even with sentences! I was close to 150-160 with most that were at the word level. It also provides a great opportunity for auditory discrimination between what needs work and what sounds great!

Easy Breezy!


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